ATAO recommends 3d animation as a high-end level of advertising. Our main customer of video clips is sales departments. Therefore, it is very important to convey that the architectural video clip will work if you make it according to certain rules, one of which is about music. And then as the result will be a product that works as an advertisement and at the same time, it's a nice artwork that you like enough to watch to the end, get aesthetic pleasure, and at the same time, information about the project presented in it.

VR 360° PANORAMA - 360° Panoramic Images that allow you to see much bigger. This is the best and most accurate way to show all the details of the residential complex and near-house territory. Several panoramic Images can be combined in a 3d tour.
ATAO recommends 360° tours as the most detailed way for the presentation. Also, you can connect VR glasses and try it this way. A little tip - is to move during the VR glasses experience. The movement will prevent headache/nausea, which usually appears when you sitting, and make the VR experience. And another way to watch panorama - on your smartphone. By rotating the smartphone you rotate the panorama.