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- townhouses design
- develop the design of individual houses based on townhouses
- use inexpensive materials for cladding but at the same time get very expensive-looking facades
- at least one parking space per unit
- beautiful landscape design


- The main problem in the development of facades was to make a square meter of this residential complex more expensive than the neighboring one, where aluminum windows and clinker were used.
- Solution for windows is the use of gray lamination on ordinary plastic window profiles. Also a little bit unusual position of windows - and here it is
- Facade solution is to cover only 8% of the total facade area with expensive material (clinker). For this, a certain design was developed for the facade, which unobtrusively and beautifully changed 92% of the clinker to ordinary plaster
- all planning solutions have also been redesigned for greater space optimization. But the most important thing that distinguishes this project from its neighbors is the presence of a comfortable, normal staircase to the first floor with a march width of 1200
- Also an important difference is the height of the ceiling, while the neighbors from floor to ceiling 2700, in this project 3050
- The second problem is the desire of the client to put fences around all territories. Thanks to the use of hedges, it was possible to minimize the use of a metal fences.

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